What’s the Manna? ON THE ROAD AGAIN

Each year during the next two weeks, we spend it traveling from our home in Virginia to New Jersey to Elim, then to Blue Mountain and then home.

We have the privilege of putting another DVD video series together.  It is based on the course that I taught at Elim on Christian Ethics.  This course will be entitled “Biblical Ethics” – Godly principles for successful living.  It is clear that the Church has been allowing compromise and so doing in some places, has drifted away from the Word.

This Course will be done by Nation to Nation and translated into other languages.  There will be 10 – 35 minute video sessions with a guide and cd.  It is not out yet but will be by the end of the year.  (We are still waiting for the production of the Book of Hebrews – A passport into His presence.)

We will be able to give prices and where to obtain copies in the next blogs.

Our present journey takes us to speak at the Elim Fellowship Annual Conference and from there we will go to Blue Mountain Christian Retreat where I will be sharing six aspects of a true “City of Refuge.”


What’s the Manna? To begin

The book of Acts opens with “all that Jesus began to do and teach”
A new year begins!! But does it really begin what?? Is this year just going to be a carry over from last year??
If we are to be made new we must tap into what Jesus began. On the cross he began a new race of believers, bought by His precious blood.
It is not setting our will to follow Him but submitting our will to His that can make this year different than the last!!
“He that has BEGUN a good work in you will finish it” He is good for His promise!! Believe it and live.

What’s the Manna? INTRODUCTION

Well, here it is the first of the year, 2013.  Gloria and I have been living in Hampton, Virginia for over the past 6 years.  We have been introduced at our age to this world of social media.  Gloria is already a whiz on face book.

We will use this blog over the next number of months to bring a thought, information and highlight a Scripture that has become meaningful to us.  This will be shared with all of our friends as we are now on this new ipauljo.com website.  We have been assisted in setting it up by our granddaughter, Katie’s husband, Peter Stern.  We will endeavor to rise to the challenge of communicating through this media.  We covet your prayers.