Romans 11:29, “The gifts of God are irrevocable.”
An aging pastor and his wife sat in an hotel room asking me how they could continue pastoring the church they started years ago. The problem was they were totally buried in church work. They could not disengage from the heavy load they were carrying.
As the night wore on till early morning, I was by God’s Grace, able to find a path for them to “unload” the heavy burden. They were able to divide the responsibilities attached to their Gift from the many things people had put on them to do.
Our Gifts come from God and carry with them the enablement to fulfill them.
Our “Assignment” on the other hand is the place God puts us to use the gifts He has given us.
Gifts are permanent but Assignments can be changed. In all Divine placements God’s purpose is to use our assignments to hone our gifts.
What I have found is Christian workers, including Pastors, hold on to their Assignments as if they were Gifts. Each change of Assignment gives us the fresh opportunity to receive new grace and faith. This increase adds a rich dimension to our character and ministry. The danger comes when we hold on to our “Ministry Assignment” because we think it is permanent. Our growth is stunted because at that point the ministry Assignment becomes a drag. New vision is hard to come by and same ole is the order of the day. God changes our setting which forces us to trust Him more and “Lean not to our own understanding.”
Hold to the Gifts and callings God has given you not the “temporary” Assignments you have been placed in.
Transitions transform us!
Enjoy the ride!